Thursday, May 1, 2008

fuel consumption statistics

Fuel consumption is on everyones' mind.  It's a growing problem in our country.  Here are 10 interesting facts about this increasingly valuable fluid.

1. The United States is the 3rd leading oil producer in the world behind Russia (No. 2) and Saudia Arabia (No. 1).  

2.  The United States produces 8.3 million barrels per day, or 10.5 % of the world's total oil produced.

3. In 1998, the average gas mileage for a car was 21.4 mpg.

4. In 1998, the average gas mileage for a truck was 6.4 mpg.  (wow)

5.  Contrary to popular belief, there is no benefit to filling your vehicle when it is colder outside.  The large tanks underground where the fuel is stored does not vary in temperature by that much.

6.  The United States is No. 1 in the world in oil consumption at 20.8 million barrels per day, a whooping 25.9% of the total oil produced in the world.

7.  In 2003, gasoline consumption in the U.S. was 1593.1 liters per person. 

8.  In 2003, gasoline consumption in developing countries was 59.2 liters per person.

9.  The U.S. department of Defense is the largest oil consuming body in the U.S. government and in the world.  ( Think of all the airplanes, tanks, vehicles etc.)

10. The U.S. department of Defense spent $8.3 billion dollars on energy in 2004.

Some alarming statistics.  What can we do?

gas prices and fuel dependence

I was in South America a couple of years ago.  While I was there, the gas prices got so high that people started rioting.  People would set up big barricades in the streets so the buses couldn't get by.  If they found anyone driving, they would throw big rocks at them, and try to puncture their tires.  It was bad, we couldn't even leave our room.  I really fear that our country is headed for this kind of a situation.  (Hopefully not as violent)  The sad part is I think that we could have, and still can do something about it, but those with an interest in our fossil fuel dependence won't allow it.  Once, I heard about a man who developed technology to harness the motion of the ocean's waves and currents into a usable source of energy.  His technology would have supplied energy to hundreds of U.S. cities.  His technology was never developed because the oil companies got a hold of him.  I really fear that this type of thing has happened numerous times, and will continue to happen.  There's got to be a way to combat this problem.

Here's a few options

I prefer to try and limit my driving, but there are some who do not have this option. Something has got to be done about the fuel in our country.  Here are a few options I have found.  I know we have the technology out there to cure this problem, however I doubt anything will be done on a large scale, its gonna be up to us individually to solve it.

This is a great way to beat the gas prices.  New technology that finally is being made available.

Another piece of modern technology that will lower our personal gas consumption. This option is slightly less expensive than the first.